Suggested Buy makes it easy to figure out what stock needs to be ordered. Instead of you checking the shelf or going into the software to check the levels, it will let you know when stock is getting low and make an order by auto-generating an order list of parts per supplier when stock levels become low, based on the predefined minimum and maximum levels of stock.
Suggested Buy is for workshop stock/materials
Predefined min/max stock
Min and max figures need to be entered into the stock items, this is so Orion knows how many items to order and at what point
Navigate to the Workshop tab (1) and select Stock Enquiry (2),
Then open/edit the part and in the General tab (3) you can enter the Min Stock and Max stock figures (4)
How is suggested buy calculated? If the On-hand quantity is below the Min Stock value then an order created using Suggested Buy will calculated the order quantity by taking the Max value and deducting the On-Hand value (also deducting "On Order", if there is any). IF On-Hand < Min Stock, THEN ordered quantity = Max Stock - On Hand - On Order Note 1: If "On Order" qty value is above Min Stock value then Suggested Buy will not generate an order. Note 2: "On Order" value will move to on hand when order has been received
Creating a Suggested Buy Order
Navigate to Suggested Buy from the Stock Enquiry page
Filter the Suggested Buy
The Suggested Buy can be filtered by Supplier (1) and/or Analysis Group (2).
Choose the individual Supplier or Analysis Group or leave them at All
Click on Create (3) after which you will be asked to confirm if you which to actually go ahead and create the suggested buy
Confirm the details displayed and click Finalise to complete the order:
You will see the following confirmation screen, click Yes to continue
Then a notification will tell you the Order numbers created
You can find the created orders in the Workshop > Orders list
When generating the Suggested Buy over multiple suppliers, Stock Orders will be created per Supplier: