
Automated Job Statuses streamline the process of updating the Job Status field, ensuring you always have an accurate and up-to-date view of jobs as they progress through the workshop. This feature enhances your ability to monitor work in real-time, providing a comprehensive overview from screens like the Work in Progress listing, as well as the Diary and Scheduler views. 



Set Up Job Statuses in Orion Desktop

If you already have Job Statuses set up in Orion, skip to the next step, otherwise to add or edit Job Status in Orion, go to the Workshop module > Click the Maintenance dropdown > and select System Setup

On the Workshop System Setup screen (shown below) go to the Job tab:

Click the Job Status Maintenance button to open the screen below:

Here you can edit or insert new Job Statuses and set your desired colour coding.

The key to automating Job Statuses is to link your Job Statuses to the appropriate trigger in webWorkshop. 

To set this up, open webWorkshop, then:

  1. Click the dropdown arrow in the top left and select Setup
  2. Select to System Configuration
  3. Click Workshop Setup

In Workshop Setup, click Job Status Triggers:

This opens the following screen where you map your Job Statuses using the dropdown options on the right to our predefined Triggers on the left:

See the table below to better understand what actions will trigger the corresponding status change.

Actions that Trigger Automated Status Changes

TriggerAction that activates this trigger
BookedAssigned when you create a new booking
In ProgressTriggered when a technician clocks on to a job
Waiting for Parts/OrdersAn order is created for this job
Await CustomerWhen an estimate is sent to a customer
Approved by CustomerCustomer has approved the estimate
Declined by CustomerCustomer has declined the estimate
Ready for InvoicingIf all orders are received; the status on the clock-out screen will default to Ready for Invoicing. You can change this during the clock-out or manually from the job afterward.
InvoicedWhen the job is invoiced.

Tip: In the Diary, you can optionally choose to Show Invoiced Jobs by clicking on the setup icon on the right hand side and using the option displayed below: 

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