Appending more products to a stocktake in progress...
From time to time you might need to add items to an existing stocktake, rather than deleting an existing stocktake and starting from scratch. For example, if you decided to add another BIN location to the stocktake, while the original is still being counted.
To append to a stock take go to Workshop > Stock Enquiry > click the gear icon then select Stocktake
This will open your existing stocktake, where you can click the New icon in the top-right and select New Stocktake:
Refine the stocktake filters as required and click the tickbox at the bottom to Append to existing stocktake
These parts will now be added to the existing stocktake.
If you haven't already, use the links below to to read up on:
- [webWorkshop] Stocktaking
- [webWorkshop] Stocktaking - Pt 2: Entering Stocktake Results and Finalising
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