This article shows you how to use the "Small Balance Write-Off" utility to identify then write off small balances on debtor accounts

You may have noticed small (irritating!) balances on some of your Debtor accounts or in the Debtors Aged Trail Balance report - perhaps the customer paid a few cents more or less than the amount they owed you.  You can deal with these small balances in one go using the Small Balance Write-Off utility.


In SAM please go to the Misc menu then Small Balance Write-Off:

This window will display:

1. Write-off Limit - you can choose any amount up to $5.00
2. Posting Description - this is the text that will display on the debtor account after you process the write-off
3. GL Code - select the appropriate code for your business (the displayed code is an example only). 

NOTE: this field will only display if you use SAM Elite
4. Print - you can click here to print the list - useful if you want to check the transactions on a debtor account or to discuss the list with a colleague
5. Generate List- This will display the customers whose accounts meet the criteria:

  1. This area displays the customers who have balances that could be written off
  2. Modify - Modify will allow you to change the individual amounts to write off
  3. Delete - Click on Delete to remove the Debtor from the list, ie if you don't want to write off their balance
  4. Total Write-Off - This is the total of all the balances to be written off
  5. Process - When you have checked the debtors/balances then click Process - this will add an entry to each debtor showing the balance written off - and this window will display:

Choose Yes if you are ready to go ahead; choose No to cancel out of the utility.

The utility will then write off the selected balances and add an entry to each debtor, for example:


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