How to find the GL Trial Balance, how to Export and Email


Question:  When should I print the GL Trial Balance?
After you have finalised your Cashbook and Creditors for the month and the System GL Rollover has been done

The GL Trial Balance Report is located in Reports select General Ledger from Reports Types.


Trial Balance - Detailed

Prints the GL Codes and the Transactions posted to the GL Code for the Month Selected.

1.  From and To GL Code: Select the GL Code range to be included in the Trial Balance Report.  If you are printing all GL Codes the do not change the From GL Code and To GL Code.

2.  From and To Month: Select the date range to be included in this Report.

3.  This or Last Financial Year: Select which Financial Year this report is to be printed for 

4.  Other Options:

Print Zero Balances - will print all GL Codes including the GL Codes that have not had any Transactions within the Date Range Selected.

Print Alternative GL Codes - will print any alternate codes setup against the GL Codes.

What are Alternative GL Codes?
These are Codes that can be setup against the Sam GL Codes
When printing GL Reports these Codes can be printed instead of the Sam GL Codes.  
An Alternative Code could be your Accountants GL Code

Show GST - Will show the GST content of the transaction on the Trial Balance Report

Export to Excel - Will allow the report to be Exported to Excel and will also give the option to Email the Report. 

5. See Emailing the Trial Balance

6.  Select the Print option to display the Report Preview of the Detailed Trial Balance 

Exporting GL Trial Balance

If you have selected "Export to Excel" after Printing or Exiting the Report Preview a Manager box will be displayed advising where the file location of the Exported Report and also an option to open the file now.  


Select Yes to display the Excel File or No to close without opening the Excel File.  If selected No then you can open the file later from the file location displayed.


Trial Balance - Summary

Prints the total Movement within the GL Code for the Month Selected.

For more Information on creating the Report see  Trial Balance Detailed

Emailing the GL Trial Balance

The GL Trial Balance report can be emailed from the either the Detailed or Summary Trial Balance Report

1.  Make the Export to Excel tick box is selected to display the @Email box.

2. Select @Email option to display the Send Email browse window.

3.  Enter Email address of the Recipient.

4.  The file location for the Exported Excel will be displayed.  Select View to display.

5.  In the Notes field enter any additional information to be emailed to the Recipient.

6.  Select OK to Email the GL Trial Balance.

If the Closing Balance Total Net Movement amount at the end of the report does not balance to zero then please contact one of the Sam Helpdesk Support Team.


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