Creating a new job
There are several ways to start a new job in Remote Workshop.
a) from the dashboard Add New icon
b) from the Work In Progress Add New icon
The first screen to open is the Customer/Item selection. Start typing the customer name or item/vehicle registration.
If the customer and/or item is new then use the Add New icon to add them. Otherwise Select the required customer/item.
Note: Customers are duplicated in this screen depending on how many items they own.
Next, the Job is opened with the customer and item details. A Job Status can be loaded and any more details as required.
The booking section is used for the diary and scheduling as well as loading technician instructions (job instructions) of the work required
Select Create Job to continue
This will allocate a job number (create a new job) and display the Invoice Posting section on the job.
Select Save and Exit to close back to the WIP Listing.
Note: Each section can be collapsed or expanded by clicking on it, for example the Booking Section has been collapsed in the screen shot below. Collapsing a section changes the section header to a summary of the details it contains.