This article will show what you need to do when you have customers using AFTERPAY to pay for their invoices


See AFTERPAY - Processing for more information

Insert/Create a new Customer


In SAM click on Maintenance (1)> Customers (2 > Insert (3)



The customer needs to be named "AfterPay"

Enter Name (1) > and click on OK (2)


NB: You will need to enter any mandatory fields you may have

Create a new Payment type




In SAM click on Maintenance (1)> Payment Types (2) > Insert (3)

1.Keycode/DescriptionCall it ..... AFTERPAY
2.TypeMUST be CCC
3.Commission GL CodeCheck with your accountant
NB: you may not see this depending on you package
4.Charge toEnter the Customer account created previously
5.OKSeriously - do I need to say this? Click on this when you are ready