As at 14/05/2024:
It is becomming next to impossible to find a CipherLab unit
If you are unable to purchase one of THESE DEVICES, then the only option is to use an android device.

This article will go through the process needed for HOSTED SITES to use a CipherLab stock take scanner.

Stock-take scanners are a small hand held device that have a file uploaded to it so you can take it to your shelves to scan barcodes to count on-hand figures.

Do NOT plug in the CipherLab unit before completing this set-up 

This will not work without "the bridge" installed

See [Orion] CipherLab - Using on Hosted Sites for further information on how to use.



 In Orion Go to Parts (1) > Maintenance (2) > System Setup (3) > Stock (4)

And make sure the Stocktake export format is "CipherLab8000"

Local PC's

This will need to be done on all computers on which you want to use the CipherLab unit
The Software and Exe's will be supplied by Orion support

Software - the bridge

A piece of software will need to be install on each PC called "CP210x_VCP_Windows "

This is needed for the unit to communicate to the PC

This can be downloaded from the following site: 

After this is installed you can plug in the device

Check the Com port settings:


Make sure there are two files on your local PC:

  • Export.txt
  • Import.txt

It is suggested that it is C:\Cipherlab


There are two exe's that will be supplied by Orion support that are needed on any local computer - these should be copied to: C:/CipherLab:

BAUD rate (Bits per second)

The same baud rate must be used across three different areas:

  1. The COM Port
    1. See above
  2. The Unit
    1. Check the settings
  3. The application when it is run.
    1. See [Orion] CipherLab - Using on Hosted Sites

Export/Import Setup


Explore to the Export file created above

Leave "Program to Run After Export" blank


Explore to the Export file created above

Leave "Program to Run Before Import" blank



  1. In Orion Export the txt file
    1. Save the text file to C:\Cipherlab\Export.txt
  2.  Run "1_Export.exe"


  1. Run "2_Import.exe"
    1. Save the text file to C:\Cipherlab\Import.txt
  2. In Orion Import the txt file