If you didn't get this from the title already, this article is about 'how to create a new user' in SAM 


Explore To Users 

Click on Maintenance (1) -> Click on Users (2) -> Click on Insert (3) :

General Tab


NB: you may not have options below - these will change based on your SAM package. 

  1. Unique code identifier
  2. Name of the person
  3. Password
  4. User's email address
  5. Level's 1- 9, 1 = Least access and 9 = Most 
    This ensures follow-ups (such as WOF's are created 
  7. Only available if  you have point of sale 
  8. Not always available, contact us for more information if the option is available. 
  9. Tick boxes as required as you need 

Printer Tab

You have the ability to define the printer for specific print jobs as per below 

If it is left blank, SAM will automatically pick the default printer

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or calling us on 09 583 2455