
If you have customers using RuralCo, you might have been wondering how you can get barcode numbers from individual RuralCo cards to appear on your invoices (so that RuralCo will pay you).

According to RuralCo's OCR partner, the barcode number can be displayed anywhere on the invoice, as long as it's in the format "Ruralco# xxxxyyyy". This means you could simply create a part, call it "Ruralco#", then just use the scanner (assuming you have one) to scan the card number in - easy.  

If you don't have a scanner, you'll just have to type it in the old fashion way.

Example : 

SET UP: how to create a "Ruralco#" as a part

First. create a part called Ruralco, set it to "Do Not Re-order" (see below), and in the Description put in the "Ruralco# ". 


OPTIONAL BONUS: create a supplier & an analysis group

If you really care about reporting and having everything nice and tidy, you can (see pic below):

  1. Create a supplier called Rural (or use "misc").
  2. Create a analysis group called Ruralco

Once you've done this, you can easily report on how many Ruralco invoices you've done. 

HOW TO USE: when selling parts

When you are invoicing a part and the customer has been identified as a Ruralco customer : 

  1. Select the part called RURALCO   
  2. Put the cursor beside the Ruralco# and
    1. scan in the Ruralco id from the card, OR
    2. enter it manually.

Once the Id is entered click on ok and continue to add the item that the customer actually bought.

HOW TO USE: when processing a workshop job

When you are invoicing a workshop job and the customer has been identified as a Ruralco customer : 

  1. Click the "Parts" button   
  2. Select "RuralCo" as your Part No.
  3. Put the cursor beside the Ruralco# description, and
    1. scan in the Ruralco id from the card, OR
    2. enter it manually.
  4. Post the part to this job.

Put the cursor beside the Ruralco#  and either scan in the Ruralco id from the card or enter it manually.

Post the Part to the job : 

Continue to add to the job what the customer actually needs. 

What if I want to force this process?

Great news, you can just set up a customer alert - see HERE

This would create pop up reminder whenever you've got a RuralCo customer on your screen.  

Of course, you'll need to set up the customer with the alert first...