Suggested payments is a way to process supplier payments in bulk, eg on the 20th or end of month, it can also create a banking file to upload to your internet banking portal. 

Please note:
Very important!
You cannot undo this process after clicking the OK button in the "Processing Suggested Payments" window (step 4) You need to make sure the date and amounts are correct before proceeding.


1. Set-up the Supplier

Open the Supplier, click on Online Banking (2) and enter an Account No (3), it is also suggested to update if the supplier wants to receive a remittance (4). 

An account number (3) is required to create the banking file

2. Recalculate Suggested Payments

The first thing we need to do is calculate the totals to pay

In Orion in Accounts, Click on Creditors > Suggested Payments > Recalculate Suggested Payments.

Select the filters for the Suppliers you want to pay, this can include the age of the Invoice (1), how you pay the supplier (2), what Priority the supplier has (3) and/or a supplier analysis group (4).

3. Choose which Invoice(s) to pay

By default all invoices will be selected to pay

1. Clear All - this will clear all amounts "To Pay" 

2. Delete - This will Delete the individual Supplier so they wont be paid :-)

3. Tag - use the buttons to tag (pay) and untag (not pay) the invoices

4. Change - This will change the "To Pay" amount.

5. Process Payments - DONT TOUCH THIS until you're ready - see below

3.a Show Totals

This will show the total value you will pay to all selected suppliers invoices.

It is suggested NOT to tag/untag suppliers here - leave this alone as this is done in the previous window.

4. Process Payments

Click on the Process Payments button - #5 in the screenshot above

1. Reference - Enter the reference you would like to see in the Cashbook

2. Date - Make sure the date is correct

3. Bank - Select the bank account the money will be going out of

4. Create 1 Cashbook Entry? - Tick this option if you only want one transaction in the Cashbook. This transaction should match the transaction in your bank statement.

5. Online Banking - This will create a file that can be uploaded into your bank account

6. Send any remittance advices if you wish to

Do NOT press OK until you are 100% certain the amounts are correct

4a. Online Banking

1. File Name - Choose the location to save the file

2. Bank - Select the Bank you use.

3. Create File - This will create the file which can be uploaded to your bank

You should upload the banking file your bank and confirm it is correct and paid in your bank, 
AFTER this processed without issues, come back into Orion and Process Payments

Do NOT press OK until you are 100% certain the amounts are correct

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